
Upgrade Your Home with Solar: Best Solar Panels for Residential Use

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Upgrade Your Home with Solar: Best Solar Panels for Residential Use

Almost everybody is considering transitioning and powering their homes from solar energy because of the satisfaction of savings it provides and the comfort of transitioning to a more sustainable approach that helps create a better world.

Installing solar panels in your residence not only helps in saving money but helps you earn an additional income from the electricity that is generated which is sent to the grid and not to mention the benefit it provides to the environment by producing clean energy.

The benefit that accompanies installing solar panels is tremendous while with absolutely no drawbacks or hidden problems.

Just a fun fact to begin with: The energy that the world requires for a year can be produced with the help of the sun by generating power for just one minute. In fact, in just 24 hours the sun can generate power that could be sufficient for the whole world to sustain for more than 27 years.

Solar energy is truly considered to be a reliable and efficient source of energy in comparison to others as it also uses a sustainable approach which is favorable to the planet too. Thinking about what step to take to a more sustainable future? Start with installing solar panels which is great to reduce the carbon footprint and save heavily on your electricity bills. We would suggest you not think much before initiating a positive impact on the planet and earn some good points too!

Installing solar comes with quite a benefit yet a significant investment is essential to install the solar system for its proper and smooth functioning.

Contemplating the decision of installing the solar system becomes very obvious because of the above reasons as there are a lot of technicalities involved. Let's learn from what we were here in the first place and understand the different types of solar panels available for residential use.

There are numerous distinct technological kinds of solar panels. Each has distinct benefits and may be utilized with household solar systems. We need to analyze all the options available and select the one that best suits us according to our needs and resources as each has distinct benefits and may be utilized with household solar systems. The three main categories are poly-crystalline silicon, mono-crystalline silicon, and thin films.

Mono-crystalline panels:

In general, mono-crystalline panels are more effective, which means that they can turn more of the sunlight that strikes them into useful power. They are typically more expensive but also work better at greater temperatures.

Poly-crystalline panels:

Even while poly-crystalline panels often have a little lower efficiency than mono-crystalline ones and consequently require more roof space to generate the same amount of power, they typically cost less per watt (W).

Thin-film panels:

Thin-film panels might be the cheapest but require the most space because they are the least efficient of the three. Additionally, they are significantly lighter and thinner than crystalline panels, which may facilitate installation.

Bifacial solar module:

So the USP of a Bifacial solar module is that it generates power from both sides as the solar cells of both the front and back end are exposed to the sunlight while in the traditional monofacial panels the power is produced from only one side. These bifacial modules are installed on a highly reflective surface so the sunlight could be absorbed from both sides and maximum power could be generated. It is also said that in the case of Bifacial solar modules, 30% more power can be generated in comparison to conventional solar modules in the same amount of time.

Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV):

Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are photovoltaic materials that can be used as a replacement for the building materials in the alternatives to the building such as roofs, facades, and skylights. They are increasingly being used in buildings of high-tech cities and used as the primary source of energy. The advantage of installing these building-integrated photovoltaics is that the cost of installing these modules gets offset rather than using conventional building materials and the labor cost of it which is more than the cost of installing the BIPV modules. Moreover, BIPV modules can absorb more sunlight because of their widespread area so it saves more money on electricity without affecting the aesthetics of the glass building as it is designed in such a way that doesn't affect the exterior in terms of its visually whereas the conventional solar panels installed on the rooftop disrupts the natural intended look of the building.

Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV) Modules:

CPV modules have the highest amount of technicality in comparison to other modules and are said to be the most advanced technology for efficiently using solar energy as in this system the light is directly concentrated on the PV cells through using optical light collectors such as mirrors or lenses. Concentrating photovoltaics (CPV) refers to PV systems that use concentrated light. The CPV gathers light from a wider region and concentrates it onto a solar cell with a smaller surface area.

The modules which can be used for residential purposes are mainly mono-crystalline panels, poly-crystalline panels, and thin-film panels.

Due to their propensity to offer the optimum combination of cost and efficiency, poly-crystalline panels are currently the most popular for residential installations. Mono-crystalline can, however, also be a good option in situations with limited roof space. Due to the vast area they require, thin-film solar panels are relatively uncommon in rooftop PV systems.
